Bringing in the New Year in the Wild

Bringing in the New Year in the Wild

Our time in California wrapped up with a week at the family ranch. This is the same place we visited during the summer, although in winter it is significantly colder and gets darker much earlier. This ranch land belongs to Aaron’s extended family, they’ve lived and raised families on this land for decades. What is now this fun little bar/cooking spot used to be the homestead, and there are stories of births and growing up here. Often the land is reserved by scout groups or family members.

This time we arranged to have some family spend the time with us while camping, staying safe outside. Aaron’s father brought his new camper up and we made a little homestead. We were completely off grid, and Aaron was extremely excited to test out the new solar panels (p.s. they worked incredible). The men went and found dead oak trees and with the chainsaw gathered firewood for the week, and the kids played on the rope swing. We had day fires all week, and everyone chipped in to make warm food. He reminded Aaron how to cook potatoes in the fire. Aaron’s brothers also came up, although they were more adventurous and roughed it with their kids in tents/cars. The three of them would each rearrange the fire to their own liking after passing it each time. Everyone would stumble out in the morning, wrapped in layers, looking for coffee and getting the fire started. The kids would stay warm running around, swinging on the rope swing, balancing on the zip line (grandma even got in on this fun), or playing silly games with one another. Uncles always willing to play. It was wild and open and freeing. Wade got to “drive” the car through the property, providing endless joy. We’d go for walks around the grounds, Aaron’s dad even found an animal skull. The sun would set and we’d set up the big spotlight, because no one was ready for bed at 5:00.

We took a couple of trips down the mountain, the kids really wanted to try out some of the bike parks that their uncle told them about. This was a moment that Amelia really surprised me. She fought riding her bike for YEARS…like, knew how to ride it but wouldn’t get on it. She doesn’t love riding her bike like Wade does, but will come along for family rides. When she just hopped on and followed suit riding on the bike courses I was shocked. She is always keeping me guessing. Aaron even took part in the bike fun - I opted to take photos. There is also a animal sanctuary near the ranch, and one day the tigers even came our too say hello.

And this is how we brought the new year in - fire and sparklers and great family time. With the new year also comes Wade’s birthday. He never gets to celebrate his birthday outside (winter in NY is not hospitable to this idea), or with his cousins. We decided to invite the family up, stay spread out, and celebrate together. He hit his first piñata ever, after selecting it at a very authentic store, one of the additional benefits to being in San Diego. It took those kids forever to get into that thing. His Auntie made him an amazing sign for his birthday that tickled him pink. He was spoiled rotten with presents but enjoyed his time with his cousins even more. Grandpa saved a particularly old gnarly stump to be used as his birthday log, and it burned all day into the next morning. Happy 8th buddy, best way to bring in the new year!

Chaos at Christmas, the best kind

Chaos at Christmas, the best kind